A prototype of the iPhone 4… without Retina

In a YouTube video, DongleBookPro showcases a unique iPhone 4.

This is quite an early prototype of the smartphone, featuring a Death Star logo. Physically, there are several noticeable differences: no screws at the bottom of the smartphone (they’re located in the SIM tray), unmarked volume buttons, no camera ring, a red tint for the front-facing camera.

No screws (at the bottom)

Screws (at the bottom)

No markings (at the bottom)

No camera ring

Red tint

But the most significant difference compared to the classic model is its screen: it is not Retina. It also features an older test version of iOS 4.

Non-Retina screen

Finally, Apple had also planned a plastic case in the prototype’s colors.

The Death Star logo and the case… with the same logo