Two iPhone prototypes with a plastic screen

Seen on YouTube (by DongleBookPro), several iPhone prototypes, including two models with a plastic screen rather than glass.

The first one is a really old model: it has a black plastic body, but also a plastic screen (glass was chosen quite late) and a rather raw frame. The second one shown is a classic prototype: a metal body, a glass screen, and a shiny frame. The third model is an intermediary: a metal body, a small bell on the button that allows switching to vibrate mode. But this 2006 model mainly has a broken plastic screen. Apparently, the decision was made around the time of the 2007 presentation: Steve Jobs showed a model with a plastic screen, but the commercial model was in glass.

A very old iPhone

Plastic screen and raw bezel

A model closer to the final version (without markings)

The small bell

The broken plastic screen

In the beginning, there’s also a prototype of the iPod touch 3G with a camera.