A ZX Spectrum program on a Serbian vinyl record from the 1980s

Another ZX Spectrum program hidden in a record? Again. This time, it’s on a single by the Serbian group Bajaga I Instruktori. It’s not really hidden, though: it’s indicated on the record.

Aphex Twin hid an SSTV image on an EP

Richard David James (Aphex Twin) often hides things in his records; there’s even a piece of a game for the ZX Spectrum in the Richard D. James Album (I’ll talk about it again, it’s peculiar). But in the EP 2 Remixes By AFX, there’s an image encoded in SSTV.

A game for a Sharp computer in a vinyl record from 1982

This is probably the oldest example I have of programs on a vinyl record: software for a Sharp MZ-80 computer dating back to 1982. And it gave me a lot of trouble.

The hidden message of Radiohead in an exclusive cassette

In the collector’s edition of a legendary album released in 2017 (OK Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017), Radiohead placed a ZX Spectrum program on a cassette offered exclusively with this variant.

A Commodore 64 game on a MiniDisc (or not)

Quite recently, I came across an album (We Are Stardust by Lukhash) that has an interesting feature: it was released on vinyl, CD, cassette… and MiniDisc. What’s more, it contains a Commodore 64 game. However, I encountered a little hiccup.

Döner Kebab, a ZX Spectrum game on streaming services

Once again, here’s an EP that was supposed to be released physically (as indicated in the YouTube video) but apparently wasn’t distributed that way. I’m talking about the Döner Kebab EP by the band Cobra Laser (yes, the same as that other ZX Spectrum program).

A ZX Spectrum program available for streaming

The case of this album (and this program) is a bit peculiar: I couldn’t find any information about the author. But the track PRINT 'Hola' from the album Parallax (by Z80) contains a small program for the ZX Spectrum.

A ZX Spectrum program on a Cobra Laser EP… streaming-only

After Lightfire, available on streaming platforms, here comes the album ZX Spectrum, which also contains a program for… ZX Spectrum. Like the first one, it doesn’t seem to have been released physically.

Lightfire, the ZX Spectrum game in a fully digital EP

After finding the Cabana EP on Apple, I wondered: are there other programs for « ordinosaurs » on Apple Music and the iTunes Store? The answer is yes.

A Commodore 64 program on a CD (and on the iTunes Store)

From time to time, I come across programs for old computers that aren’t on vinyl records but on CDs. And in this case, there’s an alternative to CDs: legal downloads. That’s the case with the Cabana EP by Tree Wave.