Glamour Screen$ by Schmoof: a ZX Spectrum program on a CD

On the album The Glamour by Schmoof, there is a track named Glamour Screen$. And it contains a program for ZX Spectrum.

A Game on Vinyl: David El Gnomo (David the Gnome)

Do you remember David the Gnome? This Spanish animated series from the 80s had the honor of a video game on vinyl (and on cassette) in the original soundtrack of the series (in Spain).

Talk To Me by Mainframe: the vinyl with four programs

I’m not done with vinyl records yet, this time with Talk To Me by Mainframe. On this 80s vinyl, there aren’t just one or two programs, but four. One for the Apple II, one for the ZX Spectrum, one for the BBC Micro, and finally one for the ZX 81 (16KB).

XL·1 by Pete Shelley, another vinyl record with computer content.

I continue with my vinyl records, whenever I manage to find copies at reasonable prices. This time, it’s Pete Shelley’s XL·1, which (once again) contains a program for the ZX Spectrum.

Ricardo Azzurri and the Recalcitrant MSX Program

We continue with vinyl records, and an Italian variety record from the 80s: Tu Dammi La Metà by Riccardo Azzurri. The record contains a program for the Spectravideo 728, a computer in the MSX standard.

So Long America, the Japanese vinyl with a program for NEC PC-8001

This week, another vinyl. And it’s a Japanese record – So Long America… by Yasunori Soryo & Jim Rocks – which contains a program for the NEC PC-8001.

The ZX Spectrum demo hidden in Brainfuel 2

Another program on a vinyl, with a hidden ZX Spectrum demo in Brainfuel 2, an English vinyl.

The hidden messages in Tomita’s The Bermuda Triangle

Another program on an old record from the 80s? Yes, once again. This time, it’s a hidden message on the record The Bermuda Triangle by Isao Tomita.

A video clip for BBC Micro on a vinyl by Kissing The Pink

Another program on an old vinyl from the 80s? Yes, once again. This time, it’s a clip by Kissing The Pink, for the BBC Micro B computer.

Aural Quest, a ZX Spectrum video game on a music album.

We continue with hidden programs in old albums. This time, it’s Aural Quest, hidden on certain versions of the cassette of an album.