A PowerBook prototype

Seen on eBay, for a high price ($2,000), a PowerBook prototype.

Videos about AirPower prototypes

Announced in 2017 (at the same time as the iPhone X) and officially canceled in 2019, the AirPower is a truly unique product in Apple’s history. Several videos have recently been released discussing (different) prototypes of this product.

A prototype of a Macintosh IIsi

On a forum, I saw a prototype of a Macintosh IIsi.

A prototype of the first iPhone in a video

Seen on YouTube, a short video showcasing a prototype of the iPhone running SwitchBoard.

The case of the Mac mini prototype with an iPod dock

In a video by Luke Miani, we see a unique Mac mini: it has a dock for an iPod nano on its top section.

An Apple Watch from the Apple Store

Seen on eBay, an Apple Watch that isn’t actually a prototype… but still quite unusual: it’s the one that connects to a display stand in-store.

A somewhat hybrid Performa 6360 prototype

In a thread on the 68KMLA forums, there is a prototype of the Performa 6360, with a long and interesting discussion for those who enjoy old and unusual machines.

Snow Leopard and the disks offered during WWDC

A few weeks ago, Krazy Ken from the Computer Clan made a video about a beta version of Snow Leopard, provided to developers on two DVDs. The video is interesting, but one detail caught my attention.

Another prototype of an Apple Network Server, the Apple computer without Mac OS

This prototype is a bit old (it was seen in 2004), but it is interesting: it’s an Apple Network Server 300.

A prototype of an Apple Network Server, the Apple computer without Mac OS

Seen on a website, a prototype of a rather unique Apple computer: an Apple Network Server. Even though it is technically quite similar to a Mac, it does not run Mac OS (or rather System, as the OS was not yet called Mac OS) but instead runs AIX, IBM’s UNIX for PowerPC.