A prototype motherboard for a Power Mac 7500

Seen on eBay, a prototype (EVT) motherboard for a Power Mac 7500.

Döner Kebab, a ZX Spectrum game on streaming services

Once again, here’s an EP that was supposed to be released physically (as indicated in the YouTube video) but apparently wasn’t distributed that way. I’m talking about the Döner Kebab EP by the band Cobra Laser (yes, the same as that other ZX Spectrum program).

Another Apple Watch demonstration stand

Seen on eBay, a demonstration stand for the first Apple Watch. And this time, it’s (almost) complete, this time.

A ZX Spectrum program available for streaming

The case of this album (and this program) is a bit peculiar: I couldn’t find any information about the author. But the track PRINT 'Hola' from the album Parallax (by Z80) contains a small program for the ZX Spectrum.

A Tetris clone on a prototype iPod

Seen on Twitter (and YouTube, too), a video of a third-generation iPod with a very special game installed: Tetris (or rather, Stacker).

A bright white iPod 4G prototype

Seen on Twitter (but originally from eBay), a 4th-generation iPod prototype with a unique visual detail.

A ZX Spectrum program on a Cobra Laser EP… streaming-only

After Lightfire, available on streaming platforms, here comes the album ZX Spectrum, which also contains a program for… ZX Spectrum. Like the first one, it doesn’t seem to have been released physically.

Lightfire, the ZX Spectrum game in a fully digital EP

After finding the Cabana EP on Apple, I wondered: are there other programs for « ordinosaurs » on Apple Music and the iTunes Store? The answer is yes.

An Apple Watch prototype on video

Seen on YouTube (or Twitter), an Apple Watch prototype. It’s a Series 2, but with some significant differences compared to the commercial version.

A Commodore 64 program on a CD (and on the iTunes Store)

From time to time, I come across programs for old computers that aren’t on vinyl records but on CDs. And in this case, there’s an alternative to CDs: legal downloads. That’s the case with the Cabana EP by Tree Wave.