Archives par mot-clé : iPod touch

A not-so-portable iPod touch prototype

Seen on Twitter, a rather unusual iPod touch prototype. This is actually a test board used to evaluate early models, built on a massive PCB.

A rather unusual iPod touch prototype

Latest iPod Prototype Seen on Twitter This Week, Featuring a Rather Unusual iPod Touch 2G.

Un prototype d’iPod touch assez particulier

Dernier prototype d’iPod vu sur Twitter pour cette semaine, avec un iPod touch 2G assez particulier.

Un prototype d’iPod touch

Apple a annoncé la mort de l’iPod touch, donc j’en profite avec un prototype d’iPod touch vu sur Twitter.

A prototype of an iPod touch

Apple announced the death of the iPod touch, so here’s a prototype of the iPod touch seen on Twitter.

Un prototype d’iPod touch 2G

Vu sur Twitter, un prototype d’iPod touch 2G.

A prototype of an iPod touch 2G

Seen on Twitter, a prototype of the iPod touch 2G.

Un prototype d’iPod touch 3G qui prend (presque) des photos

Vu sur Twitter, encore un iPod touch 3G avec une caméra. Et cette fois, la caméra fonctionne… presque.

A prototype of the iPod Touch 3G that (almost) takes photos

Seen on Twitter, yet another iPod Touch 3G with a camera. And this time, the camera works… almost.

A prototype of the iPod touch 5G running SwitchBoard

Seen on Twitter, a prototype of the 5th-generation iPod touch (code name N78) running SwitchBoard, the test OS.